>> Fastbase Business Software Ltd

Fastbase Accounting System - Online Manual

Automatic Price Updates

Document 103243/1

Entered Mon, 26 May 2003 15:31 by
Updated Mon, 8 Aug 2005 10:36

Go to Processing -> Stock Costing -> Automatic Price Updates

This program is used to automatically update the selling prices on selected stock items.

Selected Products:
Select the products to update the selling price of. The default is 'All Products'. See Selecting Accounts for Reports & Processing.

Update Price:
Choose the price that is being updated. This can be any of the standard sell prices or the supplier list price.

Original Price:
Choose the price that is to be used for calculations. This price is then multiplied by the 'Cost Factor' below to arrive at the new price.
A new option called 'Supplier List / Working Exchange Rate' has been added. This option will take the supplier list price and divide it by the working exchange rate (see Utilities - Currencies). The currency used is the pricing currency from the main supplier for the product.

Cost Factor:
Enter a factor to multiply the original price by to arrive at the new price (update price).

New Price:
If you don't enter a cost factor you can enter a fixed price, this is then copied to the update price.

Round to 5 cents?:
Enter 'Yes' to round the prices to the nearest 5 cents (swedish rounding).

Update Live Prices?:
Enter 'Yes' to update the prices. By default only a report is produced.
The computer will ask you to confirm your actions before any prices are updated.

Output Device:
Select the output device for the report. See Creating Reports - General Comments for details.


If you want to update your main price (price level 1, eg: Trade Price) by say 10% you would enter "1" in the update price and "1" in the original price. Then enter 1.1 in the cost factor.

If you want to set your retail price (eg: price level 2) to 30% above the trade price (eg: price level 1) you would set the update price to "2" (the price being updated) then set the original price to "1". Enter 1.3 in the cost factor.

See also Import Parts Price File and Changing Supplier Currency.

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