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Newsletter: 14/07/2012Office newsI hope everyone is keeping themselves warm this winter. Our office heaters are out and going full blast most days. It's official, Priscilla is expecting a baby girl, she is looking forward very much to a new addition to her family in two weeks time or thereabouts. She is with us until the end of next week before she goes on maternity leave. So if you should have any tricky accounting questions you've been brooding on, give her a call soon. Of course we will do our best to cover for her while she's away. She expects to be back at work in three months.
Russell Bell
Change to Suggested Purchase Order GenerationYou can now use a combination of automatic and manually calculated quantities when using Fastbase's Suggested Order Generation function. There's a new option on the suggested order generation report (Purchasing - Suggested Order Generation) called "Order Highest Quantity?". With this option selected, the quantity will be calculated using both the automatic and the manual method, but only the highest quantity will be displayed and used for re-ordering purposes. Give us a call if you've questions about this.
GL Transaction Listing reportWe have added a new Report Type option to the GL transaction listing report, "Payments and receipts only (including unposted)". With this option selected the report will only include payment and receipt transactions, i.e. excluding journals or opening balance transactions etc.
Creating normal stock items from non-stock items when converting quote into orderDepending on how Fastbase is configured for you, you may have an option to turn non-stock items into stock items when entering sales orders or quotes. So if you added a non-stock item to a quote (which was later turned into an order and then an invoice), and didn't create the stock item at the time, you might not have had another chance until an invoice was created.
Now when you convert a quote into an order, if the quote contains non-stock items, a message will appear asking if you want to create the new stock items and convert the non-stock lines into normal stock lines. This new behaviour is controlled by a setup option, let us know if you're interested.
Maintaining Goods ReceiptsWe've fixed a minor bug when entering or maintaining goods receipts. The total quantity displayed at the bottom of the screen was not updating until the goods receipt was closed an re-opened. It has been fixed so that the total quantity updates as you enter the lines.
Display total cost and GP% for Build-Misc line itemsFirst some background. The Build-Misc part is a non-diminishing stock item that is used on sales orders and quotes to represent a combination of other parts. When you enter a Build-Misc part on an order or quote, you enter a description and a sell price that will represent some or all of the rest of the lines on that order/quote. Any lines entered after the Build misc part have a Yes/No option, "Print this line", that determines whether they are part of the Build-Misc part or not. For the parts that are part of the Build-Misc, their descriptions do not appear on the printed quote or order, nor do they contribute to the value of the order/quote. Only the Build-Misc line item is represented.
Since the Build-Misc part is non-diminishing, the cost on the Build-Misc line item itself would normally be zero and the GP 100%. We have added a new feature so that when doing orders and quotes, the cost displayed on a Build-Misc line item is the total cost of all the other normal stock items that make up that Build-Misc item. The displayed GP% is calculated using this cost and the entered sell price of the Build-Misc line item. The cost and GP% of the Build-Misc part shown in other areas of Fastbase (e.g. Part Enquiry, Sales Analysis Reports) is not affected.
Automatic Disabling of Overdue CustomersFastbase currently allows control of customer's credit to 30-day intervals. We have added a new feature allowing disabling of overdue customers based on their exact days-due, i.e. the current date minus the date of the oldest unpaid invoice. With this new feature it is possible to set a specific number of days after which a customer with unpaid invoices becomes disabled. An overnight process checks for overdue customers and sends an email to yourself (or your accounts staff) listing all customers who have been automatically disabled due to unpaid invoices.
Of course Fastbase already allows monitoring and control of customer credit, but these features allow control to 30-day intervals only. Under Customer Enquiry/Maintenance, there is already a Maximum Days Credit field, but this only has options for 30, 60, 90, and 120 days, or unlimited (no credit limit). When the customer Period-End is run, it is possible to disable any customers who have exceeded their Maximum Days Credit. They are considered to have exceeded their Maximum Days Credit if they have an unpaid invoice from a period that is older than their Maximum Days Credit.
Also, when you enter a sales order or invoice (and select the customer) Fastbase currently pops-up a warning if the customer is overdue. This is based on the 30, 60, 90 day rules. The Aged Trial Balance report also works this way. We haven't changed these existing features, they continue to use the 30-day intervals. This new automatic-disabling feature can be enabled via a setup option, give us a call if you're interested.
Future-dated transactions not included in Customer/Supplier BalancesCurrently for balances shown under Customer Enquiry and Supplier Enquiry, Fastbase includes future-dated transactions in the balance, up to the end of the current month. We've added an option that if enabled, displays the balances as at the current date, not including these future transactions. This may be useful if you do a lot of future-dated transactions within the current month, and want to be able to see what the customer's current balance is without having to run a report. This behaviour is controlled by a setup option, so let us know if you're interested.
NewslettersSelect from the following list of newsletters that have been sent out.
- 27/12/2024 Office news, Transaction enquiry - search by GST value, Purchase order - completed order lines, Part listing report - parts on order, Software updates - staggered roll-outs, Customer price book - two price books for one customer, Import parts price file - quotes in part number, Component parts - part a component of itself, Part listing report - show code/category name, Bank accounts - confirmation of payee
- 22/12/2023 Office news, Supplier currency on purchase order report, Delete customer price book, Emailing documents from Fastbase, Log deleted sales orders, Fastbase application window size, High resolution screens, Import customer part number
- 08/11/2022 Office News, Incoming Goods, Display products with no available stock in a different colour, View all transactions for a selected GL account, Print statement for a single customer
- 26/11/2021 Office News, XML Invoices, Stock Audit report for batch-tracked items, Batching of Customer Receipts on the Bank Reconciliation
- 20/08/2021 Office News, Supplier Dispatches, Customer Price Books, Customer Receipt History, Part Enquiry - Sales & Assembly figures, Australian businesses - ABN, Scheduled Price Updates
- 04/12/2020 Office News, Convert Quotes to Invoices, Emailed Invoices - configurable messages, Create Stock Adjustments from Part Enquiry screen, Print Part Labels from Part Enquiry, Changes to Assemblies, Import Products into Branch Transfers, Default folder for exporting reports
- 28/05/2020 Office news, Print single customer invoice, GST on overseas supplier invoices, Batch-tracked items in the Stock Valuation report
- 24/03/2020 Office News, Working from home - remote access to Fastbase, Maximum discount per customer
- 13/12/2019 Office News, Print out Enquiry Search lists, Keyword Search for serialised parts, Network and database performance, GST on overseas purchases
- 18/09/2019 Office news, Photos per serial number, Cash Payments report - invoice lines, Display and reporting of selected suppliers' product IDs
- 30/11/2018 Office news, Disable old user accounts, Customer Credit: Option to write-off returned goods
- 21/08/2018 Office News, Lost Sales, Transaction Batch Reports, Previous Supplier Pricing, Customer Aged Trial Balance grouped by invoice Due Date
- 28/02/2018 Office News, Customer credit days, Sending emails from Fastbase
- 01/12/2017 Office News, Emailing for remote Fastbase users, Customer Price Book for selected products, Import Stock Take count figures from a CSV file, Direct Credit Schedule for BNZ, New fields on Parts Price-List Import, Product Documentation, Satellite branch stock replenishment using Suggested Order Generation, Additional information about last receipt on Goods Receipt Costing Sheet
- 02/12/2016 Office News, Stock Price List Report - Part Extra Description, Non-Stocks parts on Part Assembly, Quick key to scroll drop-down list on selection fields, Cash sale - receipt transaction type
- 14/03/2016 Office News, Sorting Customer Invoice line items, Part Assembly Component List, Stock Purchase History
- 04/12/2015 Office News, Orders and Quotes displayed on main Fastbase screen, Reporting on Superseded parts, Freight Detail Report options
- 11/03/2015 Office news, New Zealand domain names, Customer Sales Order Display, Consolidate parts on Inwards Goods Report, Stock Ordering Report
- 05/12/2014 Office News, Search for parts when making a Purchase Order, Quantities per Branch on Inwards Goods Report
- 13/11/2014 Office news, Email a note to selected users, New fields on Parts Price-List Import, Selection of multiple call cycles, Back-order warning, Fastbase on Windows 8, Anti-virus software on Windows servers, Dual monitor support, Customer keyword search now includes Contacts and Delivery addresses
- 24/12/2013 Office News, Search by Main Supplier when Selecting Parts
- 28/11/2013 Office News, Quoting for items that aren't recorded as parts in Fastbase, Stream-lined entry of new part assembly transactions, Sorting of customer notes on the appointments screen, Maintaining a customer note - "Complete" button save and exit
- 24/09/2013 Office News, Prospective customers, Delete multiple expired quotes, Customer Activity Report, Import quote lines from a CSV file, Customer Frequent Products - exclude returned goods
- 19/02/2013 Office News, Changes to Contacts, Emailing and printing an invoice when creating an invoice from a sales order, Copy Customer, Selected Operator for Quote Summary and Quote Expiry Reports
- 06/12/2012 Office News, Fastbase notes, Warning message when sell price is below cost, Non-stock parts - cost-price validation on customer orders, Receipt printing, Changes to quote summary and quote expiry reports, Report original operator & salesperson on invoice register, Print customer special pricing
- 14/07/2012 Office news, Change to Suggested Purchase Order Generation, GL Transaction Listing report, Creating normal stock items from non-stock items when converting quote into order, Maintaining Goods Receipts, Display total cost and GP% for Build-Misc line items, Automatic Disabling of Overdue Customers, Future-dated transactions not included in Customer/Supplier Balances
- 15/02/2012 Office News, Photo indicator in Part Enquiry, Drag-and-Drop line items, Warning message for customers with active quotes
- 25/11/2011 Office News, Create a Quote from a Customers Discounts, Store Part information per Code, Store Image for each Customer
- 12/09/2011 Office News, Maximum Days Credit on the Customer Listing Report, Typing ahead, Long running searches, Subject in notes, Customer Notes and Alerts - Search, Supplier Payment Batches
- 02/06/2011 Office News, Image upload feature, Database replication, Search for products or customers, Progress bar, Print transaction batch, Selected companies per user, GL Account balances and unposted transactions
- 25/03/2011 Office news, Keyword Search, Report all accounts on GL Transaction listing, Additional Info on Suggested Purchase Order Report, Customer Credits on GST Report, Customer Sales Analysis by Gross Profit
- 02/12/2010 Office news, Stock Sales Analysis by Gross Profit
- 15/11/2010 Office news, GST rate change for NZ, New web server, websites and backup, Order Number in emailed invoices
- 28/09/2010 GST rate change - final reminder, Duplicate Bin Location Warning
- 20/08/2010 Office news, GST change on 1 October, Customer statements in CSV format, Single invoice per order, Order number on Customer Credits
- 18/06/2010 Office news, Copy purchase order line items from another order, Customer credit reference, Customer statements in CSV format, Import customers, Salesperson field on customer transactions, Customer Transactions Listing, Printing Credit Notes, Scheduled Price Updates, Serial and batch number checking in Fastbase, Stock Audit Report for a branch, Website product search, Check order number on invoice entry, Customer Sales Analysis Report, Maintaining customer receipts
- 18/12/2009 Office news, Minimum Gross Profit per Inventory type, Website search, Zero-value invoices, New CSV format for exporting Purchase Orders, Barcode scanning on goods receipts, Parts Price Import - importing of Product pack details, Web User Maintenance Security Levels, Cubic volume and weight on purchase orders, Highlight backorders supplied direct to the customer, Forward Dated Invoices, Plus key, Customer receipt reference, Ten price levels, Customer Credits - distinct return-branch per line item, Product Listing report, File - Printers, Consolidated Invoicing
- 08/06/2009 Office news, Notes subject, Goods receipts and consignment branches, Website search, Barcode pack tab, Product listing report, Company logos
- 16/03/2009 Office news, Suggested Order Generation Report, Customer Sales Analysis Report, Printing Credits, GL Transaction Listing
- 17/02/2009 Office news, Invoicing Multiple Orders, Suggested Purchases Report, Supplier Rebates, Orders Taken Report, Web Display Maintenance
- 24/12/2008 Office news, Part price import, Red alert notes, Map button
- 04/12/2008 Office news, Customer Employee Count, Area search for customer search, Release Backorders, Supplied-only packing slips for release backorders, Financial reports
- 06/11/2008 Office news, Improved Account Search, Contacts Tab, Cancel button, Discounts on website orders, Branch transfer, Barcodes on stationary items, Stock Sales Analysis report, Customer Special Pricing
- 29/09/2008 Office news, Multiple companies with different balance currencies, Profit/Loss Report Structuring, Bank Reconciliation Batching, Financial Report Font, Delivery Method, Part Maintenance, Purchase Order
- 31/08/2008 Office news, Sales found for customers, Supplier transactions, Return reminders
- 13/08/2008 Office news, Invoice Register Report, Backorder release, Email to Fastbase, Print and Email Invoices, Security option, Maintain button, Website part display
- 02/07/2008 Office news, Print Invoices & Credits, Customer Notes, Change Type Details, Maintain Goods Receipt
- 11/06/2008 Office news, Maintenance and Enquiry, Notes - Expiry Date, Emailing Notes, Invoice Register Report, Print Invoices and Credits, GST Adjustments, Fastbase Main Window, Printers
- 29/04/2008 Office news, Find product within a stock take, Product Enquiry - Delete, Hide Costs, Disabled Customers, Customer Order Status report, Print Customer Returns, Delete Customer Returns
- 03/04/2008 Office news, Generate customer returns, Sort sales order lines by part number, Search for customers, Batch and transaction dates
- 07/03/2008 Alex Burge, Cash Receipts report, Web server
- 27/01/2008 Ricky Li, Customer Quotes, Web server, Thumbnails
- 21/12/2007 Christmas dates, Purchase Orders, GL account enquiries, On-screen information for options and selections
- 24/10/2007 Office business, Spam, Company logo, Supplier contacts, EDI Orders & Delivery Confirmation
- 13/09/2007 Emails, Stationary layouts, Deferred GST, Discounts by code
- 12/08/2007 Whereabouts, New developments
- 05/07/2007 Whereabouts, Australian Bank Account Numbers
- 20/05/2007 Whereabouts, Part Listing Report - Print bin locations, Customer Sales Analysis Report - Customer type and area, Stock Taking - Bin locations, Appointments/Notes - Sending Emails
- 25/04/2007 Contact details, Stock Take - Enter Count Figures, Purchase Order - Import, Stock Price List Report
- 23/02/2007 Customer Receipts, Releasing Backordered Goods, Viewing Lists - Sorting Columns
- 01/02/2007 Account Maintenance/Lookup, Maintaining Sales Orders, Printing Packing Slips, Bank Deposit Supplement, Searching by Keywords, FastBase - Startup Page, FastBase - Emailing Us
- 15/12/2006 Supplier Post Code, Order Notes, Purchase Order Register Report, Order Reports, FastBase Main Screen, Supplier Invoice Entry
- 05/12/2006 Fixed Assets, Cancelling Supplier Payments, Xtra e-Mail Not Delivered, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- 31/10/2006 Looking up Addresses, Selection Screens - Quick Find, Profit & Loss Report - Consolidated Accounts, Saving Report Selections, Merging Suppliers/Customers/Parts, Security Levels
- 24/10/2006 Cancelling Orders & Transferring Stock, Non-Diminishing Parts, Automatic Price Updating, Credits - Surcharge %, GL Account Enquiry - Printing Transactions, Staff Changes @ FastBase
- 13/10/2006 Order Enquiry, Releasing Backordered Goods, Freight Detail Report, Part Numbers, Invoicing Orders
- 04/10/2006 Processing Menu, Order Entry - Non Stock Items, Quote Status Report, Order Entry - Supply Quantity..., Purchase Order Enquiry
- 29/08/2006 Order Entry - Viewing Price History, Enquiry to Maintain Transactions, Barcodes on Products
- 04/08/2006 Sales Order Entry - Price History, Sales Order Entry - Default Quantities, Part Enquiry - Quoting a Customer, Customer Enquiry / Notes
- 25/07/2006 Import Parts Price File, Supplier Payment Details
- 10/07/2006 Part Maintenance - Selling Prices, Part Enquiry - Customer Price, Transaction Quick Entry, Customer Maintenance
- 29/06/2006 Exchange Rates, Stock Enquiry, Balance Sheet, Calendar / Appointments, Addresses - Zoomin
- 08/06/2006 Goods Receipt Entry, Emailing Reports and Forms, Customer Discounts, Stock Valuation Report, Utilities - Types - Inventory
- 19/05/2006 Payments - Bank Reconciliation, GL Journal Entry, 5 Cent Rounding, Customer/Supplier Lookup, Your Internet Connection!, Customer Credits
- 03/05/2006 Goods Receipts, Purchasing Backordered Goods, Customer Listing, Stock Adjustments - Labels, Customer Sticky Labels - Mail Merge, Product Maintenance - Misc
- 15/03/2006 Customer Status, Customer Receipts Summary Report, Supplier Payments Summary Report, Dispatching Orders, Order Logs, Product Maintenance, Users - Minimum Sales GP%
- 03/03/2006 Dishonoured Cheques, Customer Enquiry - Sales History, Purchase Order Entry, Balance Sheet, Stock Price List
- 08/02/2006 Profit and Loss Report, Maintenance Menu, Customer Frequent Products, Minimum Sales Margin - Minimum Sales GP%, Promotional/Give-away Items, Bank Accounts, Stock Listing, Customer Quotes, Suppliers - Payment Due Dates
- 19/01/2006 Product Maintenance/Enquiry, Product Listing Report, Stock Valuation Report
- 13/12/2005 Sorting Lists on Screen, Trading with other FastBase Companies, Supplier Invoices - Narration, Product Enquiry - Sales History, Purchase Order Entry
- 30/11/2005 Order Entry - Drag and Drop, Forward Orders Report, Stock Adjustments, Customer Order Numbers, Screen Reports
- 15/11/2005 Cash Movements Report, Customer Listing Report, Purchase Orders - Authorisation, Supplier Invoice Entry - Take 2
- 27/10/2005 Purchase Orders, Supplier Invoice Entry, Freight on Stock Transfers, Part Enquiry - Alternate Parts, Product Selections
- 10/10/2005 Stock Adjustments, Supplier Payments, Part Enquiry - Photos
- 12/09/2005 Quotes, Order Entry, Product Enquiry, Customers/Suppliers, FastBase - Screenshots, Ecommerce: Web Users
- 23/08/2005 Order Entry, Supplier Invoices, Customer Enquiry - Frequent Products, Emailing Documents, FastBase Startup, FastBase Installation
- 15/08/2005 Emailing Invoices/Statements etc. from FastBase, Printing / Emailing, Product Maintenance - Weight, Order Entry - Cash Customers
- 04/08/2005 Deleting Accounts, Quote Status Report, Quote Summary Report, Bank Deposit Supplement, Printing Invoices for Selected Customers, Stock Price List - for Customers, Emailing Invoices/Statements etc.
- 18/07/2005 Customer Listing, Backup, Customer Credits, Product Enquiry
- 28/06/2005 Product Availability Report, Supplier Invoices (Tax)
- 13/06/2005 Invoicing Orders, Transaction Maintenance
- 08/06/2005 Cash Payments and Receipts, Supplier Invoices - Payments, Supplier Invoices/Credits
- 10/05/2005 Miscellaneous Menu, Narrations, Stock Writedowns, Customer Enquiry, Stock Price List
- 29/04/2005 FastBase - New Address, Date Entry
- 24/03/2005 Stock Enquiry, Customer Freight Charges, Balance Sheet Report, Calendar & Calculator
- 02/03/2005 GL Enquiries, Emailing Reports, Stock Transfers, Stock Taking
- 22/02/2005 Product Enquiry, Line Notes, Backup - Verification
- 07/02/2005 Stock Adjustments, Inwards Goods Report, Estimated Prices
- 22/11/2004 Transaction Entry - Duplicate Products, Item Quantities, Web Sites
- 15/11/2004 New Sales Report, Keyword Search, Stock Valuation Report
- 08/11/2004 Stationery Layouts (Forms), Customer Receipts
- 04/11/2004 General Ledger, FastBase Functionality
- 27/10/2004 Backup
- 11/10/2004 Emailing Reports, Stock Taking, Stock Transfers, Email - SPAM
- 10/09/2004 Transaction Enquiry, Goods Receipts/Credits, Invoicing Goods Receipts, Serial Numbers, Credit Notes, Mouse Wheel
- 06/09/2004 Calendar and Calculator, Barcode Printing/Scanning, OpenOffice
- 25/08/2004 Stock Adjustments, Security, Bank Reconciliation, FastBase
- 10/08/2004 Customer Aged Trial Balance, Period End, Goods Receipts, Stock Transfers
- 26/07/2004 Notes and Alerts, Notes and Alerts - More Changes, GL Journal Batches, Customer Discounts, Product Maintenance
- 14/07/2004 Notes & Alerts, Printing Reports from Screen, Saving Report Selections, Printing Statements, Bank Reconciliation, Customer Sales Analysis Report
- 28/06/2004 Period End, Goods Receipts/Credits, Batch Printing, Screen Reports
- 02/06/2004 Stock Price List, Customer - Credit Control, Invoice Maintenance, Customer Receipts, Customer Enquiry - Transactions, Users - Preferences, Miscellaneous
- 27/05/2004 Finding Transactions, Notes & Alerts
- 18/05/2004 Standing Transactions, Supplier Purchase History, Backorder Email Notifications, Zip Drive??
- 06/05/2004 Stock Sales Analysis Report, Notes and Alerts, Order Entry
- 19/04/2004 Newsletters, Stock Valuation - Aging, Other Changes
- 07/04/2004 Customer Parent Companies, Notes and Alerts (sales messages)
- 18/03/2004 Order Entry, Date Entry, Free Advertising
- 05/03/2004 Entering New Parts, Stock Sales Analysis Report, Date Entry, Account Maintenance
- 27/02/2004 Sales Orders, GL Accounts, Inwards Goods Report, Finding Invoices
- 19/02/2004 Stock Enquiry, Suggested Order Generation, Purchase Orders, Selecting Suppliers, Orders - Notes
- 05/02/2004 Saved Reports, Part Enquiry - Orders
- 27/01/2004 Transaction Entry, Miscellaneous, Reporting - New Feature
- 06/01/2004 Order Enquiry, Customer Receipt Entry, Goods Credits, GL Trial Balance
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